your journey to wellness starts here

Stressed, anxious or in pain?

Imagine this: Restful nights, feeling calm and centred. A balanced and harmonious body. Feeling energized and ready to crush your goals.

It sounds like a pipe dream, but trust me, you CAN wake up every morning feeling energized, confident and excited as you live your dream life.

I get it. You've tried all the treatments, exercises and supplements. You're religious about your morning and bedtime routines. You've even said no to things you used to love, all in the pursuit of balance and well-being. But the worst part is, you're still not getting the results you want.

I know it might seem like you'll feel this way forever, but I promise you this: your body isn't betraying you and there's nothing wrong with you.

How do I know? I used to be you. And now, helping people reclaim their energy, vitality and zest for life is exactly what I do every single day.

here's how we help

Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is a time-tested practice that gently stimulates points on your body to trigger its innate healing mechanisms. This ancient therapy enhances circulation, harmonizes hormones and neurotransmitters, releases pain-relieving endorphins, and soothes the nervous system, allowing for an integrative approach to restore function and boost vitality.

While Acupuncture is effective for most conditions, we focus on the following:

chronic & acute
pain relief

Experiencing persistent pain?
Acupuncture goes beyond relief,
addressing root causes by
stimulating points that increase
blood flow for lasting change.

Imagine waking up pain-free and tackling everyday tasks with ease.

anxiety & stress

Overwhelmed by life's demands?
Acupuncture isn't just a temporary
escape; it provides lasting
inner calm by balancing
energy flow.

Picture a relaxed body at ease,
with a calm & resilient mind.

imbalances & fertility

Facing gynecological challenges?
Acupuncture's personalized approach
balances hormones,
regulates your cycles, and enhances
overall well-being.

Imagine symptom-free
periods and reproductive vitality.


Enhance your natural beauty with
cosmetic acupuncture, a non-invasive
approach promoting collagen production
and skin elasticity, with
balanced facial muscle tone.

Visualize a more radiant,
rejuvenated you.

Our Proven Approach to Your Wellbeing

frequently asked questions

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Acupuncture is generally a painless experience. The needles we use are extremely fine (about as thick as a hair) and are never inserted more than necessary. You may feel some mild sensations such as dullness, heaviness or tingling for about 30 seconds to a minute, but after that you should feel really relaxed. We take a gentle approach, checking in with you throughout the needling process, and make your comfort our top priority.

How many treatments do I need?

The number of treatments required is dependent on multiple factors such as the duration and severity of the issue, your overall health, adherence to the treatment plan, and your responsiveness to acupuncture. Prior to starting treatment, I will provide a comprehensive treatment plan, estimating the number of sessions required. Typically, for recent or mild conditions, around 4-6 sessions may be enough, whereas more severe or chronic cases might necessitate 8-12 sessions for a single course of treatment. Most people see at least a minor shift in their symptoms within 1-4 sessions.

Following the initial course of treatment, we conduct a thorough reassessment. Depending on your progress, we may gradually extend the time between visits (tapering off) or transition into maintenance mode, where visits occur every 6 months or as needed. In cases of significant severity or longstanding conditions, a repeat course of treatment may be recommended before tapering off begins.

Is Acupuncture covered by insurance?

Most benefit plans include coverage for acupuncture, however we recommend confirming this with your provider before your appointment. Following your treatment, you will receive a receipt that can be submitted to your insurance provider for reimbursement. It's important to note that acupuncture is not covered by OHIP. If you are personally covering the cost, you may be eligible to claim acupuncture fees as medical expenses on your tax return.